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Special - Pandemic Related Insurance Investing - II

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Only mortality risk has been securitised and all health risk still remains within the insurance sector..

A SQUARE :: 29Apr09 Special - Pandemic Related Insurance Investing - II
Category Insurance
Author Sona Blessing
“… of course if one focuses on insured risk it is mainly life and health insurers and reinsurers who will feel the impact. This is not to say that they will be the only affected line of business. Most likely we will see claims related to pandemic in lines as diverse as …”
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[29Apr09] [Insurance] Special - Pandemic Related Insurance Investing - I
Extreme mortality bonds are really designed for extreme events. So far nothing came even close to paying out.


[29Apr09] [Insurance] Special - Pandemic Related Insurance Investing - III
The current Mexican swine flu crisis is the first major excess mortality threat since SARS in 2003, and may motivate further excess


[06Dec08] [Insurance] Insights on what makes the valuation of life settlements complex
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[03Nov08] [Insurance] High frequency, low severity insurance led investing
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[11Sep08] [Insurance] A fund that implements diversified strategies focused on investing in longevity/mortality risk
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[19Aug08] [Insurance] An insurance linked securities fund
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[30Jul08] [Insurance] A Diversified CAT Bond Fund
An early participant in cat bond investing - experience and expertise


[16Jul08] [Insurance] New risks being considered for securitisation & more ...
Some players in the industry are also exploring the potential securitisation of casualty risks – specific classes of liability exposure.


[12Feb08] [Insurance] Marine/cargo insurance risk - prospects of securitisation
We have seen marine in some capital markets quota share deals (a.k.a. sidecars).


[30Jan08] [Insurance] An Insurance Event Linked Securities Fund
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[20Nov07] [Insurance] A Cat Bond Fund
Fund invests in insurance linked securities essentially in the form of bonds


[23Oct07] [Insurance] An investment manager that specialises in catastrophe reinsurance and weather risk
Active in the space for over a decade, we recognised that there was a gap between the two capital markets: institutional investors seeking non-correlated returns and insurance markets seeking additional risk capacity.


[18Sep07] [Insurance] H21 ILS Opportunities Ltd.
The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of instruments linked to insurance risks (life and non life)


[04Sep07] [Insurance] Innovative modelling from RMS' perspective
We encourage clients to understand model sensitivity by making it possible to explore how to test assumptions around the severity and frequency of events.


[04Sep07] [Insurance] Transferring catastrophe risk to capital markets
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[04Sep07] [Insurance] How do models for natural catastrophes differ from those for terrorism catastrophes?
The framework used to model terrorism risk is similar to that of natural catastrophes.


[30Jul07] [Insurance] Horizon Fund
Access to to cat bonds, life and non life insurance securitisations and weather derivatives via a fund structure


[22May07] [Insurance] Securis I Fund
The fund invests primarily in assets which carry exposure to insurance risk, in particular, insurance-linked securities (ILS). The returns arise from receipt of cash flows over time.


[09May07] [Insurance] Securitisation - Non Life Risks
Investor appetite for insurance linked securities (ILS) continues to grow since they bear little to no correlation with the defaults of most other securities, and therefore offer greater diversification in an investment portfolio

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