Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Students also get access to our Archive of over 436,608 articles covering the alternative investment space, a tremendous benefit in studying and researching the industry.

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Benefits of the Opalesque Student Program

  • Alternative Market BriefingWe provide all students at universities, business schools, and all educational institutions with the opportunity to receive our premium alternative news, Alternative Market Briefing, at a 75% discount.
  • Opalesque ArchivesStudents also receive access to our Archive. With 436,608 articles covering every area of the alternative investment space, the Opalesque archive is a tremendous tool for researching all aspects of the industry including fund and strategy performance, manager profiles, regulatory changes, major trends, and much more.
  • Opalesque TVOur Opalesque TV video interviews with legends and leaders in the hedge fund industry provide insight into the experiences of managers like Julian Robertson and Izzy Englander.

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Opalesque Student Program Trial Sign Up

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