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[Asset Based Lending] An asset based lending FoF
    Access to a portfolio that invests in managers dedicated to collateralised, direct lending


[Shipping] Shipping expertise from Pierre Aury
    Perhaps the most unusual feature is that freight rates represent the price of a service that cannot be stored and is performed over a period of time


[Carbon Credits] A carbon credits fund
    Fund offers exposure to CO2 emission credits using both arbitrage and directional strategies


[Exotic Betas] Unique Strategies - Part I
    Broadly, alternative beta reflects exposure to risk premium in one of the alternative sectors.


[Full A SQUARE issue of the week] A SQUARE 06 Nov 2007




[Energy/Commodities] Inefficiency specialist
    Inefficiencies can take various forms but investors usually uncover them by thoroughly investigating...


[Micro Finance] Fund in the offing - a niche segment within microfinance
    Irrespective of gender - borrowers of microfinance demonstrate better credit worthiness.


[PIPEs] Private investments in public equities FOF
    With SEC regulatory changes, PIPE deal flow will increase - the strategy is increasingly being deployed outside the US, particularly in Europe and Asia.


[Insurance] An investment manager that specialises in catastrophe reinsurance and weather risk
    Active in the space for over a decade, we recognised that there was a gap between the two capital markets: institutional investors seeking non-correlated returns and insurance markets seeking additional risk capacity.


[Full A SQUARE issue of the week] A SQUARE 24 Oct 2007




[Credit] CDS Indices, strategies that have performed during the sub-prime crisis...
    Part II - Expertise with Ernesto Prado


[Real Estate] A Commercial Real Estate Fund
    Fund offers investors a market neutral exposure to commercial real-estate


[Infrastructure] Findings from an academic study that focused on investing in listed infrastucture entities
    If you are looking to identify infrastructure investment opportunities: consider a country’s macro economic stability, its legal and political environment and its demographic profile.


[Full A SQUARE issue of the week] A SQUARE 17 Oct 2007




[Film Financing] Film-financing the traditional way
    Player has been serving independent film producers for over 25 years


[Media and Entertainment] A Media and Entertainment Fund
    The sector continues to outperform the Indian economy, and is rated as one of the fastest growing, in India


[Credit] Where in the credit cycle are we?... with Ernesto Prado
    What is sure is that we have thus far, witnessed the technical deterioration.


[Agriculture] An Agriculture Fund
    Fund that invests in equities as opposed to futures with themes that include – fish farms, agro +bio -tech seeds, milk, farming equipment, etc.



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