27.03.2013 - Al Hilal Islamic Banking Board meets
An expanded meeting for al Hilal Islamic Banking Sharia Supervisory Board was held recently at ahlibank’s head office in Wattiyah. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ali Mohyeddin al Qurah Daghi, and included Dr. Farid Mohammed Hadi, Dr. AbdulAziz al Qasar and Sheikh Aflah bin Ahmed bin Hamad al Khalili and Azhar Hamid. During the meeting of Al Hilal’s Sharia Supervisory Board a number of approvals were attained which included approvals on products and their features, as well as the approval of the prospectus of the upcoming Sharia complaint Al Hilal Mena Fund which will be launched in the near future and approval of this year’s Shaira Audit and training plan...............................................Full Article: Source